DGX 系統 Ubuntu 18.04 出現 NO_PUBKEY A4B469963BF863CC 解決方法

今天公司的 DGX 系統出現

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64  InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A4B469963BF863CC
W: Failed to fetch http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A4B469963BF863CC

看來是他們換了 Key 的關係找了很久終於找到更新的 Key,更新的位置如下

sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/3bf863cc.pub 1